Sunday 13 May 2012

Chapter 3(:

Chapter 3

 "I can't believe how much you can eat without getting fat!" Beth said, walking in front of Niall into the front room, dodging Harry's dancing, "Has anyone spoke to Zayn yet?" Beth and Niall sat like they were before.
 "I tried to phone him, his phone is off," Ashley replied.
 "Zayn never turns his phone off," Niall said, eating jelly beans, offering them to Beth, Ashley, Chantel and Liam. "You guys going to stop dancing yet? You've been on it for hours!"
 "Not until we get this rematch!" Louis said, him and Anna swapping places with Harry and Alannah.
 "You're just going to lose again" Alannah said, moving her long, brown, curly hair out of her face.
Ashley walked upstairs into the bathroom, looking at her phone.
*Ashley's POV*
Don't, Ashley, don't do it! You trust Zayn, do not phone his ex. Why would she know where he is? She wouldn't. At least I hope not.
*POV over*
Ashley swapped her phone into her right hand, and called Zayn's ex.
-ring ring. ring ring-
'Hello?' She answered.
'Hey, it's Ashley!' There was silence.
'Oh, hey. Happy Birthday!'
'Thank you. Do you know where Zayn is?'
A man's voice in the background said 'Who is it?'
'Wait, is that Zayn?' Ashley yelled into the phone.
'Sorry, I've got to go!' she hung up. Nadia begun to cry.
-meanwhile downstairs-
'Where's Ashley?' Chantel asked.
'I think she went upstairs' Liam said, taking his hat off and putting it on Chantel's head.
-knock knock-
'I'll get it!' Niall shouted, running towards the door. Beth taking his seat.
'Hey Niall!' Paul said, he was standing at the door with Harry's old friend Isabella, and Louis' old friend Sandra.
'Hey guys, come on in!' Niall said, widening the door to let them in.

next chapter will be quite dramatic, you've been warned;)

Main Parts: (Girlfriends)
Niall: @NiallNutter
Zayn: @_ashley143_
Liam: @Chantel_Charley
Harry: @Alannah_1D_WLx
Louis: @AnnaJdeidani

Harry's Friend: @SandraFerrand1
Louis' Friend: @pennino78
thanks for reading xoxo

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Chapter 2 (:

Chapter 2

Harry and Louis were setting up the Nintendo Wii in the living room, while Anna, Chantel, Ashley, Beth, Alannah, Liam and Niall were in the kitchen.
 "It's all set up!" Harry shouted, as him and Louis grabbed a Wii remote and the others joined them in the living room.
 "Is Zayn still not here?" Ashley asked, looking at her watch. The watch that Zayn got her on Christmas.
 "No, anyone heard from him?" Liam said, holding hands with Chantel. Everyone shook their heads.
 "No," Ashley replied, staring at the carpet.
 "Don't worry, he's probably just in traffic or something. Here," Chantel said, passing her a Wii remote, "Just Dance 3 is set up" she smiled.
 "Thank you, Charley, but I don't feel like playing at the moment"
Alannah, Anna, Harry and Louis played Just Dance 3, while Niall and Beth were on the sofa looking into each others blue eyes. Liam and Chantel were on the other sofa, Liam caressing her blonde highlights. Ashley was watching her phone, hoping she'd get a text or a call from Zayn. It was an hour since he said he'd be 10 minutes. She was beginning to worry. 
 Harry and Alannah were in a duet dance against Louis and Anna. 
 "I'm hungry," Niall said.
 "Niall, you're always hungry," Beth said.
 "Can we go and get some food?"
 "Sure" They got up and walked into the kitchen.

*Ashley's POV*
Where is Zayn? He's never late, and it's my birthday! Everyone seems to be happy except me. Niall and Beth, Liam and Chantel, Louis and Anna, Harry and Alannah. Even Liam and Chantel's turtles seem to be having more fun. Maybe I'll call one more time?

*end of POV*

-straight to answer phone-
"Vas happenin?! This is Zayn, sorry I can't talk right now. Call back later or leave a message!"

"Babe, where are you? Please hurry up, love you," Ashley hung up.

sorry for the short chapters, don't worry, they should get longer as we get into it;) xoxo

Niall's GF: @NiallNutter
Zayn's GF: @_ashley143_
Liam's GF: @Chantel_Charley
Harry's GF: @Alannah_1D_WLx
Louis's GF: @AnnaJdeidani
extras(not in this chapter): @SandraFerrand1 

sorry! X

sorry I haven't wrote in a while, things keep coming up. BUT I am writing chapter 2 now, so I'll post that soon, and then I'll write chapter 3 when I've posted it, so it won't be a far wait from 2-3.

sooo sorry!
love you guys(: xoxo

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Chapter 1 :)

Chapter 1.

"Liam! When's Zayn coming over?" Niall shouts up the stairs. But Liam was too busy singing upstairs while he was getting changed."Liam!" Niall shouts again.
  "Niall, you know what Liam's like, he's in his own little world" Chantel, Liam's girlfriend, explained. Chantel and Liam had been going out for two years. They would both do anything for each other. 
  "Zayn should be over in about ten minutes," Ashley said, showing Niall the text message. Ashley and Zayn had been going out for two years as well, and it was Ashley's birthday. The party was at Harry and Alannah's house, who were in the kitchen with Louis and Anna. Both couples had been together for a year.
 "It's gonna be a great party" Niall said, sitting on the sofa, with his arms around Beth. Niall and Beth had been together for four years, though they'd known and liked each other for eight years, they'd both been to shy to ask one another out.
 "Is Zayn here yet?" Liam asked, walking down the stairs.
 "Not yet, he'll be here soon though" Ashley said, as Liam sat next to Chantel. Ashley sat, staring at her balloon, which read 'happy birthday, love Anna, Beth, Chantel, Alannah, Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn xxx'. She knew it was going to be a great day, Zayn always made her birthday special.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Hello There:)

hello there my fellow Directioners:)thank you for viewing the page...will keep everyone posted.

