Tuesday 24 April 2012

Chapter 1 :)

Chapter 1.

"Liam! When's Zayn coming over?" Niall shouts up the stairs. But Liam was too busy singing upstairs while he was getting changed."Liam!" Niall shouts again.
  "Niall, you know what Liam's like, he's in his own little world" Chantel, Liam's girlfriend, explained. Chantel and Liam had been going out for two years. They would both do anything for each other. 
  "Zayn should be over in about ten minutes," Ashley said, showing Niall the text message. Ashley and Zayn had been going out for two years as well, and it was Ashley's birthday. The party was at Harry and Alannah's house, who were in the kitchen with Louis and Anna. Both couples had been together for a year.
 "It's gonna be a great party" Niall said, sitting on the sofa, with his arms around Beth. Niall and Beth had been together for four years, though they'd known and liked each other for eight years, they'd both been to shy to ask one another out.
 "Is Zayn here yet?" Liam asked, walking down the stairs.
 "Not yet, he'll be here soon though" Ashley said, as Liam sat next to Chantel. Ashley sat, staring at her balloon, which read 'happy birthday, love Anna, Beth, Chantel, Alannah, Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall and Zayn xxx'. She knew it was going to be a great day, Zayn always made her birthday special.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Hello There:)

hello there my fellow Directioners:)thank you for viewing the page...will keep everyone posted.

